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Vision & The Voice V4 #2 - Crowley, Aleister
The Vision and the Voice is the record of Aleister Crowley's exploration of the 30 AEthyrs of the Enochian system of magick developed by the Elizabethan magicians Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly. Unlike other available editions of The Vision and the Voice, this volume includes Crowley's extensive and illuminating commentary.This book collects the diaries of Aleister Crowley for 1909-1914 in one volume. .......$27.95
777 & Other Qabalistic Writing - Crowley, Aleister
This collection of Qabalistic texts is without parallel in the history of mystical literature. Edited & introduced by Dr. Israel Regardie, the three texts included are Gematria, Sepher Sephiroth, & 777. In short, this is a complete magical & philosophical dictionary -- a key to all religion & practical occultism; an amazing work whose value has been recognized through many editions since its first appearance in 1909 & subsequent enlargement in 1955......$19.95
BOOK OF THE LAW (hc)- Crowley, Aleister
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." This oft-misunderstood phrase, which forms the basis for Crowley`s practice of Magick, is found in The Book of the Law. Dictated to Crowley in Cairo on three successive days in April 1904, the Book of the Law is the source book and key for Crowley students and for the occult in general. For the first time it is offered in a deluxe, hardcover edition fittingly issued in celebration of the 100th anniversary of it`s transmission to Crowley. Color laminated paper with gold stamping over heavy boards. Printed on heavy wood-free acid-free paper, text in red and black ink, includes ribbon marker. Contains full text of both the 1938 London and 1926 Tunis editions. High quality half-tones of the holograph manuscript, references with bibliographies of current editions. Smyth sewn for long life. A beautiful and worthy addition to any Thelemic or occult library. Hard Cover 158 pages .....$17.95
BOOK OF LIES - Crowley, Aleister
An admirable collection of Crowley's aphorisms-witty, subtle, and instructive paradoxes that challenge and exhilarate. 200 pp
This new revised and corrected edition of Crowley's magnum opus is an indispensable textbook for students of Thelemic Magick or general esotericism. Features Crowley's own additions, corrections, and annotations for a planned second edition that, until now, has remained unpublished. Also includes Crowley's original cover design and the original synopsis, both omitted from previous republications of the text. Edited, annotated, and introduced by Hymenaeus Beta, X. 880 pp
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