[from 'The Sinister Path - An introduction to Traditional Satanism']
The fundamental aims of the ONA are:
1) To increase the number of genuine Adepts, Masters/Lady Masters, by
guiding individuals along the path to Adeptship and beyond.
2) To make the path to Adeptship and beyond [the 'Seven-Fold Sinister
Way'] more widely available, enabling anyone, should they possess the necessary
desire, to strive toward the ultimate goal.
3) To extend esoteric knowledge and techniques - i.e. to (a) creatively
extend our esoteric knowledge and understanding and thus increase the consciousness
of our species; (b) develop new techniques which make this new knowledge
and understanding useful to those following the Seven-Fold Sinister Way;
(c) implement this knowledge and understanding in a practical way, thus
causing change(s) in society/societies. Areas of importance for the immediate
future are: (i) musick; (ii) Art/images/'film' etc.; (iii) the creation
of an 'esoteric' community; and (iv) the development and extension of an
abstract symbolic language ('beyond the Star Game').
4) To implement sinister strategy - i.e. to presence the acausal (or
'the dark forces') via nexions and so change evolution. One immediate aim
is to presence acausal energies in a particular way so creating a new aeon
and then a new, higher, civilization from the energies unleashed.
In respect of (1). This will be a slow process, by virtue of
the difficulty of the Way, and the desire of most of those interested in
esoteric arts for an 'easy option'. It is anticipated that only about four
or five new Adepts (at most) will emerge every decade (i.e. an average
of one per year). Of these, only two per decade will probably make it to
the stage of Master/Lady Master. These figures are unlikely to increase
until the energies of the new aeon become more pronounced (around 2020
eh) - even then, the increase will be gradual. It will not be before 2070
(at the earliest) that there will be a significant increase.
This slow progression is natural and necessary - great numbers are
not required in order for the more immediate covert aims (e.g. regarding
sinister strategy) to be achieved.
In respect of (2). This will arise by itself provided the continuity
of the Order is maintained.
In respect of (3). Since the Destiny of each ONA Adept is unique, these aims and others will be fulfilled by those Adepts striving for the next stage, that of Master/Lady Master. It should be remembered that Adepts - although they possess a knowledge and some understanding of Aeonics - are actually still swayed by aeonic forces: i.e. their Destiny achieves supra-personal aeonic aims. In effect, their Destiny is part of the wyrd of the civilization and thus the aeon to which they belong. A Master/Lady Master, by virtue of having reached that stage, can transcend this wyrd and implement their own.
In respect of (4). The fundamental immediate aim [c. 1990 eh
- 2020 eh] here is to actively presence the energies of the next aeon and
channel these, via various nexions, forms, structures, 'ideas' and so on,
to create the next higher civilization. The former means accessing the
acausal [in the simplistic term sense 'returning the Dark Gods' via various
rites] and creating those forms/structures necessary to channel the energies
so accessed. This will take several decades. [ Some structures/forms/ideas
etc. have already - i.e. before 1994 eh - been created.] In conjunction
with these things, there will be disruption of existing structures/ideas
etc. by Masters/Adepts/novices.
Beyond this immediate aim [ i.e. beyond 2020 eh ] there is the nurturing
of the new energies and the forms/structures etc. created to presence these.
This will last several centuries - and during this time one of the tasks
of the Order is to presence the acausal at regular intervals via certain
rites at certain sites, thus ensuring the survival of those things imbued
with such energies, one of which will be the new civilization and thus
the societies it gives rise to.
Expressed simply, the aim of the ONA is to create a new species - to
significantly change our evolution as a species. This will take time -
many centuries, in fact. The Seven-Fold Way is a practical means whereby
an individual, now, can develop and so become a part of this new
species. The other activities which the Order pursues are directed toward
changing present structures and creating a new civilization whereby this
new species can be made real on a large scale: the societies of
such a civilization aspiring to realize this goal in a practical way.
The ONA is not interested in transitory 'fame'/notoriety - and neither
does it desire to attract large numbers of 'followers'. It is not in the
business of competing with other 'Satanic' or 'Occult' groups because such
groups are irrelevant, lacking any understanding of sinister strategy and
incapable of really guiding their members toward and beyond a genuine Adeptship.
Such groups usually represent the ego of one person, who surrounds him/her
self with sycophantic followers, and/or they fumble about in diverse mumbo-jumbo
lands, playing fantasy games, try to evoke long-dead archetypes and forms,
and worship their petty, mostly bovine selves.
What the ONA desires to achieve is significant and worth-while - it
is not transitory. The ONA does not depend on the whim of some self-appointed
'leader' as it does bleat about some fantasy-given "mandate"
from some "higher authority". It does not peddle some spurious,
continually updated theory nor offer religious answers to keep individuals
in thrall. Neither does the ONA declare that its worth is based on some
pretentious/legendary 'tradition'. The worth of the ONA lies in its aims
and the practical methods it has created, and will create, to achieve those
Membership of the ONA basically means an individual following the Seven
Fold Way as explicated in the various Order MSS. Members should understand
that they are thus part of an Order which has long-term aims - of centuries
and more. By actively following and using the methods and rites of the
Order they are actively aiding those aims.
The rites of the ONA - and the Seven-Fold Way itself - create and/or
maintain those sinister energies which the ONA represents and has accessed.
In effect, an individual, undertaking, for example, a rite from 'The Black
Book of Satan', is aiding those sinister energies and thus the sinister
dialectic. Such rites and the Way itself have been created to do this
- that is, they directly presence the acausal.
Each member of the ONA is thus a nexion to the acausal - they are participating
in, by their following of the Way and by the rites they undertake, the
work of evolution: they are making their lives instruments for acausal
change. Expressed simply, they are fulfilling the potential latent within
them. They are positively contributing to evolution - they are using their
lives to some purpose. Members of the ONA are doing and achieving - they
are being significant and shaping future events. They are making history.
Compared to this, other groups are irrelevant.
Mr. Aris Rhadley,
c/o 60,Elmhurst Rd.
Reading. RGI 5HY.
Berkshire. England.
ONA 1994 eh