De Nine Satanistic ting te Says:

1. Satan stan fo doin wha chu wants te do, no habin to nots do de shit!

2. Satan stan fo da real funk, holmes, de real shit, not some whack you come up wit chillin wit a crack pipe!

3. Satan stan fo good sense an not some bullshit you been foolin you own self wit, or talkin one shit while you meanin somtin else!

4. Satan stan fo chillin wit de homeboys whose done you good, not waste yo time wit some punk-ass bitch who don gibba fuck eber way!

5. Satan stan fo gibin de bums rush to de muthafucka who done dis' you, stead a sit roun on yo ass like some punk-ass bitch yo self! Booyah!

6. Satan stan fo giben respect an owin' up what you owes, an cuttin loose on de whack mutha who waste time talkin shit!

7. Satan stan fo the brutha who be just like de mean muthafuckin dogs an shit who fuck yo shit up if you be messin wit dem, but he go round on two legs stead a fo. He be thinkin an shit, but he just de same as de dog, 'cept maybe a dam sight meana. Respect!

8. Satan stan fo de Nasty, cause dat shit FINE!

9. Satan been de bes' homeboy de church ebber had, cause he kep de money comin in like clockers all dis time!

Gran'mastah Scratch